My third vomit

Madhura Bhatkar
3 min readJan 9, 2025


Hello it is day 3, well I am hoping this has become a thing now, vomiting over here is really fun. Today was a day full of procrastination, still not an unproductive day at all, not bad but if this is how I am going to continue studying for my semester 1 exams then I am kinda doomed (ohh Madhura stop exaggerating) no, I am not doomed but I sure I am not close to the goals that I am setting for myself everyday. So yesterday I made a very objective and analysed decision of not going on the Nashik trip but still ended up thinking about it today. Am I being a coward by avoiding this trip? Definitely not. Am I saying no to this trip because my parents are passively against it? I want to give this excuse to myself that I am saying no to this trip because my parents don't want me to go, but I am the one who’s stopping me. I think after the Udaipur trip debaucle I just want my body to relax and not do under 8 hours of travel when I have to come back and study my ass off for all the upcoming exams. But the idea of going to jail is so exciting and I am getting a bit of FOMO. Regardless of my swaying mind, I am going to stay very stagnant and stable about my decision to not go on that trip. Anyways, so today I kinda lowkey began studying for SBI PO and clerk. Beginning with all my weak arithmetic concepts, the first one I am going to tackle for now is “time and work”. I am studying it all from the IBPS PO curse I bought on the Physics Wallah website (not sponsored..Idk why I felt like mentioning this but what if someone else ends up reading these and thinking this is a #ad or whatever) Wasted a lot of my time watching videos of Emma Chamberlain and her analysed downfall, about how her personal brand is kinda failing and the coffee business that’s a part of her capital for her lavish lifestyle is lowkey failing.

So this woman explains everything so well. I just couldn't stop myself from going and watching Emma’s other videos to kinda get to know her as a creator.

I was thinking isn’t Mostly Sane the “Emma Chamberlain” for my generation? I mean wasn’t she also just a cute YouTuber making funny videos back in 2017 in front of her house wall. And broo I used to admire the shit out of her. I loved her so much (yes I loved her dumdum forever hehe). And now look at her, lil miss is an author, actor, a business woman, I mean this relatability thing is really working for most women out there. Well according to zoeunlimited it is also a branding strategy used by The Taylor Swift herself.

Anyways moving on, I microanalysed celebrity lives, then I taught Utkarsh some 7th grade maths to prep for his exams. As for my LLB portion, started studying mechanisms for dispute resolution chapter and making notes. Had some pizza as well because the only way to get my 12 year old brother into studying is bribing him. Also kinda revising all notes that I am taking everyday.

Goals for tomorrow:

  1. Study retrenchment wala chapter and make notes on it
  2. Watch 1 lec on banking awareness, 1 on time and work, analyse SBI clerk paper solved on 8th Jan
  3. PYQs of tort please :(
  4. Contract study pleeasee :(((((
  5. Plan hour by hour pleeeeaaasseee



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